Searching for a job?

Are you looking for new professional opportunities in California? The FACC California SF-LA offers an online recruitment center service to help you find your next job or internship.

Are you looking for a job in California?

By publishing your CV on the Candidate board of our Career Center, you make your profile available to all our member companies looking for new talent. You can also apply to jobs from our member companies in the Job board.

How does it work?

  • FACC California members: login to the Member Portal and upload your CV on the CV Database. You can then apply to any open positions on the Job Board.

  • Non members: pay $50 for a 3-months access* to our Career Center, upload your resume and browse our job board. Once payment is received through the Candidate Board Access link, your access will be activated within 24 hours.

When one of our contributing Members is interested in your profile, they can reach out to you directly through our Career Center.

*By applying to this service, you agree that the FACC California will keep your personal data and resume during three months. Please note your profile will remain available on our Candidate board for three months; it will then be automatically deleted. If you wish to delete your profile before this deadline, please proceed directly from your Private Account.

Application tips for the US employment market

Below are a few tips for building your American resume as well as preparing for an interview:

  • Note that it is not possible to work in the US without a work permit. If you are not an American citizen or American resident (Green card holder), you will require a working visa. We encourage you to clearly state your status (whichever it is) on your CV.

  • Announce your professional objectives as a way to introduce yourself to a potential employer: identify the direction you want your career to take and articulate this very clearly in all communications (resume, cover letter, interviews). A potential employer will be drawn towards profiles that show ambition, focus and logic based on the candidate’s trajectory and experience to date.

  • Use a US appropriate layout for your CV (check examples on Google for reference). The amount of personal information on CVs is reduced compared to France, mostly in reaction to discrimination laws. We recommend you do not include a photo and do not specify your age.

  • Be concise and relevant: make use of bullet points to describe your mission and achievements for each role.

  • Heavy emphasis is put on recent responsibilities, experiences and soft skills (team player, keen sportsman, charity work, etc.) in addition to academic achievements.

  • Include awards and honors

  • Demonstrating initiative, self-confidence and leadership are important topics discussed during interviews.

  • Don’t allow spelling mistakes: ensure you make use of spelling tools and get someone else you trust to proof the content

  • Don’t leave any gaps in your employment history unexplained

  • Don’t provide inaccurate or misleading information

  • References are an important element of the recruitment process. Good employers and recruiters will use informal references from their network in addition to references provided by the candidate.

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